Saturday, April 9, 2011

I was here, where did I go?

So I see it's been since January since I've posted a blog.  No I didn't fall off the face of the earth, or get abducted by little green gray men.  I really don't have much of an excuse, just life. At least nothing I want to rehash here.  I did touch on some of it on FB and Devart so if you follow me either place, or are among my personal friends you know the story.  

So I turned 30 something 29 last month, that was trip. I never understood the saying getting old is for the birds, birds don't want to grow older anymore than we do.  If you are under 30 you won't understand this, at least for some time.

I had an epic fail this past week, after working on doll house plans back in January early February, I decided it was time to cut the apothecary shop out.  So after getting an edge cutter for my dremel, I took the masonite outside and went to work.  I started by cutting a long strip which I could handle easier to cut the walls and floors from.  To my dismay after cutting the 4 foot length the back of the cut is extremely rough, more like it was torn not cut.  When I did my test cut on a masonite clipboard before buying the 8x4 sheet it cut fine.  So until I figure it out, I won't be working on the next shop.  Does anyone know why/what might have caused this?  Or any suggestions?  I prefer not buying a jigsaw, but I realize it may be the only way to cut the masonite smoothly.  I could also switch to basswood, but I can realistically cut 8 shops out of one piece of masonite for less than the price it would cost me to make one out of basswood.  I haven't found any other wood that is 1/8 in locally.

One last thing before I wrap this up.  I ordered some Cactus V5 wireless flash triggers with birthday money.  They are the latest version in the Cactus line and received really good reviews from the beta testers, some of which use pocket wizards and radio poppers.  I was originally going to go with some ebay triggers and hope for the best, but in the end decided it was a good way to spend my birthday money.  I ordered them, and being both cheap and poor, I opted not to pay the extra $9 for fedex 3day, and had to wait an agonizing 10 days for them to arrive from HK.  They should be available stateside through MPEX sometime this month.  When they arrived on Thursday I tested them to make sure they all worked as both transceivers and receivers, with one and two flashes.  They worked even shooting through a wall :).  So hopefully I'll be posting a few images here, and a few more than that on DA soon. 

Until next time...

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