Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cookies For B'fast

When you turn six, or is that 42 in dog years, you can have cookies for b'fast and that's exactly what Bodhi had this morning for b'fast with his Pecid and peanut butter in between.  We can't skip his morning meds just because it's his birthday. 

He got a gold bow on his head that lasted just long enough for me to snap a picture before it went flying, and since it is his birthday and not mine I didn't insist he put it back on and pose.  Not that he'd listen anyway.

 The first present he went for was a box of healthy nautrals milk bones with oats, flax seed, sweet potatoes, and chicken.  He really seems to like them and we won't tell him they're natural or healthy as treats go.  Next was the de-stuffed dog, it took me longer to take the stuffing out than it did for him to unwrap all his presents.  And lastly he went for his favorite the eight pack, I'm sure he had a few choice words going through his head when I took the pack away to open it and gave him one putting the other seven away for latter.  Oh, I bet you're thinking eight what?  Beer and coke comes in six packs woman.  Eight pressed pighide bones, Bodhi's favorite.  Happy Birthday Buddy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hot, Hot, Hot

"It's feeling hot hot hot...."

That's what I'm singing everytime I take B-dog out.  It was also the tune my PC was singing whenever I would try to render anything in 3D to the point it would reach critical and shut down at around 100 C.  Yeah I know, I know... I'm a bad PC owner I should have replaced the heatsink when it started acting up, but I really wasn't feeling the pull to work on 3D so I researched what I wanted/needed and waited.  Recently I'd been toying with the idea of getting back to a project I left hanging at the end of 2009, it's been a year and 5 months since I've done any real modeling.  So with some prompting I finally ordered a Coolmaster Hyper 212 plus.

I have two different temperature software running... speedfan and core temp, I like core temp better because it gives you temps on the individual cores.  Both are free.  I don't have a comparison in core temp from before the new heatsink, under full load to both cores, core 0 ran 45-62c and core 1 ran 36-58c.  As a comparision, speedfan before the new heatsink would hit 100c and the PC would shut down unable to complete the render.  The exact same render run with the new heatsink speedfan temp reading never went above 82C and fan speed never reaching 900 (the speed for the fan is 600-2000).  I can always add a second fan if I need it.  For now I'm not worried about it.

Shows height difference in the two, stock on left 212 Plus right

overall size difference

less than half an inch clearance between the copper pipes and RAM

just enough clearance to move the fan to the top or add another.
It is a bit more involved then some heatsinks to install, but I think it's worth it, I also had to move a case fan on the side to the front.  If you are thinking about ordering this heatsink make sure you check the dimensions and pre-measure.  I also don't notice this fan which is 3-32 dBA,I think my case fans are louder.

C over and out.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hey Hey We're the Monskeys

"... and we don't monskey around, 'cause we're to busy singing to put anybody down."

Just a picture of the Monskeys I picked up from the bay.  They are part a series of designer urban vinyl figures.  I hope to incorporate them into some future images.  :)  BTW no I don't smoke, it's just a box.

Flash sb-25 1/8th power  bounced

Now, go monkey around!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Don't Mess With The Original Peep

Happy Easter to all my Peeps!  

Easter Set up

setup info:
Sigma 105mm marco lens
exposure 1/15
f 2.8
Sb-25 flash triggered with Cactus v5 wireless triggers camera left angled downward, zoom 24mm, 1/64 with parchment paper diffuser

 Note, I normally don't keep the overhead light on due to light sensitivity, so aside from a 15w bulb in the room I have no other light which is why I use the clamp light to setup and focus my lens.  I cut it off before shooting.

Monday, April 11, 2011

DIY Gel Holder

So, here's my DIY gel holder. It's not the best, but it was cheaper than buying one from, although his doesn't have the rough edges mine do, and if you aren't up for a DIY project, I think it's a better buy than the commercial lumiquest and rosco gel holders.  I actually saw this very helpful post, and ran with it.  I used and xacto blade to score the plastic, and a candle flame to heat it.  I managed to scorch one of the holders and plan to possibly remake both in hopes to get smoother edges, but they fit my needs and budget perfectly.

If you don't want to glue velcro to your flash head you can try using double sided velcro, the velcro cable organizer ties, or my preferred a hair elastic/bungee.

BTW sample gels can be purchased at B&H photo for a nominal fee.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I was here, where did I go?

So I see it's been since January since I've posted a blog.  No I didn't fall off the face of the earth, or get abducted by little green gray men.  I really don't have much of an excuse, just life. At least nothing I want to rehash here.  I did touch on some of it on FB and Devart so if you follow me either place, or are among my personal friends you know the story.  

So I turned 30 something 29 last month, that was trip. I never understood the saying getting old is for the birds, birds don't want to grow older anymore than we do.  If you are under 30 you won't understand this, at least for some time.

I had an epic fail this past week, after working on doll house plans back in January early February, I decided it was time to cut the apothecary shop out.  So after getting an edge cutter for my dremel, I took the masonite outside and went to work.  I started by cutting a long strip which I could handle easier to cut the walls and floors from.  To my dismay after cutting the 4 foot length the back of the cut is extremely rough, more like it was torn not cut.  When I did my test cut on a masonite clipboard before buying the 8x4 sheet it cut fine.  So until I figure it out, I won't be working on the next shop.  Does anyone know why/what might have caused this?  Or any suggestions?  I prefer not buying a jigsaw, but I realize it may be the only way to cut the masonite smoothly.  I could also switch to basswood, but I can realistically cut 8 shops out of one piece of masonite for less than the price it would cost me to make one out of basswood.  I haven't found any other wood that is 1/8 in locally.

One last thing before I wrap this up.  I ordered some Cactus V5 wireless flash triggers with birthday money.  They are the latest version in the Cactus line and received really good reviews from the beta testers, some of which use pocket wizards and radio poppers.  I was originally going to go with some ebay triggers and hope for the best, but in the end decided it was a good way to spend my birthday money.  I ordered them, and being both cheap and poor, I opted not to pay the extra $9 for fedex 3day, and had to wait an agonizing 10 days for them to arrive from HK.  They should be available stateside through MPEX sometime this month.  When they arrived on Thursday I tested them to make sure they all worked as both transceivers and receivers, with one and two flashes.  They worked even shooting through a wall :).  So hopefully I'll be posting a few images here, and a few more than that on DA soon. 

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gore & Sons Butcher Shop

Is finally finished.  I actually finished it Christmas eve morning when I soldered the lights to a battery snap.  At some point I plan to wire it up to a regular AC power source.  Because of health and other things, it took me much longer than I would like to admit.  I started it in late June, early July... you do the math. 

Here are some pictures of the completed shop.



 And here's a dime for reference.

Anyone who is interested, the actual corner shop was made from a kit by the wonderful Bea Broadwood.  It along with her other kits can be found at Petite Properties.   All the furnishings and food items were made by yours truly.  My next project I think is going to be a Hat shop which I plan to make from the ground up.  I hope to start on the 'blue prints' tomorrow.

I welcome any comments or questions.  Hope you all are doing well.

Santa Ate my Post

On Christmas Eve I posted, or thought I posted, a short Blog wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas.  Either I didn't publish the post or it is lost in Cyber Space forever.  Anyway I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011

Out with the old, in with the new!  Happy 2011 everyone.  I hope to get pictures of the finished Butcher shop up in the coming weeks.